Vision and theme for Ashburnham week

Our vision for the week is:

A summer week for the taking of rest, the regathering of friends, the replenishing of souls. A week in which to encounter God, learn from one another and enjoy food and fun.

Ashburnham is a stunningly beautiful place and our week together creates space for fun and friendship as well as time to restore through learning, prayer and worship.

There is so much to do at Ashburnham; walk around the lake, catch up with old friends, make new friends, play volleyball, sit in on inspirational teaching, allow God to challenge and change you, sing your heart out, pray.


And our theme for Ashburnham 2023 is 'ACTS'

We'll be studying and gaining inspiration from the book of "Acts" as well as from stories and testimonies from people who come. 

Just like those early Christians about whom we read in Acts, we are empowered by God’s Spirit to bring Jesus’ words alive in today’s world. People are made whole, challenges are faced as a community. Ashburnham Together is a place to receive what we need so that good news can be shared wherever God sends us!